Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 June 2021


Everyone have a serene and joyful week! 

  • DIANE – It’s time for a new week already? I’m sure I’ve missed a few days!!!  Has your weather improved? Indiana rarely appears on our news.

    KATE – My (seemingly almost continuous) knitting project is to convert years of leftover part balls of wool into sleeveless vests or beanies. It is a challenge to mix & match colours! When I have a bagful finished, I drop them at the charity shop. Thank you for encouragement re quotes. Please don’t fret when I am late posting. If I visit the thread in my morning, it’s probably your bedtime and it doesn’t seem fair to start a new day then. Later in my day, the time I return to the thread can vary quite a bit, even as late as my computer shutdown after tea.

    LINDA, DIBNLIB & HEATHER – Sending hugs and hopes that your problems resolve soon.

  • If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine. (Morris West)

    A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. (Steve Martin)

    If you can dance like raindrops, there will always be sunshine. (Curtis Tyrone Jones)

  • AQ: Heavy thunderstorms every day here. It's a goofy summer! The cicadas are beginning to quiet down, though. We still have some noisy males looking for love, but I think they'll all be gone soon and only the eggs will be left. Hope the babies can get back down their holes to their underground homes. Between the torrential rains and the earthquake, the little critters may have a struggle. Sorry about your washing line and having to re-wash clothes. Water is probably expensive where you live.

    Pat: It's been an awful June here, too. Hope your summer gets better.

    Annette: I'll try to have a listen to that World on the Wing podcast. Sounds interesting. Enjoy your time with your daughter and then Ms. D! I hope your sister is improving. So worrying for you.

    Lindy and Heather: I'm sorry you both have family troubles. Hope things improve. That pink peony with the black inside is lovely, Lindy.

    dibnlib: Benson is gorgeous!

    SunnyKate: Nice to see you!

    Wendyb: Fabulous doggy photo. Nice to see you, too!

    OG: I was just sickened by that story of the Scottish Dark Sky Observatory destroyed by the suspicious fire. What is wrong with people?! I heartily support the Dark Sky organizations. Hope they find the culprit. I hope the painter, kitchen contractor, and car seat people are all on track now and your life is easier.

    Lynette: I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner out for your Fathers' Day. Pavlova and strawberries sound wonderful. I'm going to the local Farmers' Market next week to get some Indiana strawberries fresh from the plants. Woo hoo!

  • Good Morning and thanks to Diane for starting us off again. Thank you for your caring, too: we will have a slight disruption in the family dynamics, I think, but hopefully things will settle again.

    The recent Government scandal here has made me think of all the huge sacrifices and grit which the British public have made. It reminds me of a wartime quote from many years ago "Lions led by donkeys." (Apparently the Powers Above were stunned at how rigorously the public kept to the rules, in the main, when the1st lockdown took hold!)
  • Lindybird said:
    The recent Government scandal here has made me think of all the huge sacrifices and grit which the British public have made.

    Sounds like his constituents are rather less than impressed ........ personally, I feel sorry for his wife and three kids.  Horrifyingly he holds a Suffolk seat and unless a miracle happens there'll be no chance to get rid of him for some time.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks Diane for starting the week again.

    Thought I would post another pic of Benson.  He is getting his haircut tomorrow so will look nothing like this.

  • July magazine completed, printed, late page added (!), enveloped and posted .....phew! Maybe I can get back into life again! I have seen that at least two folk have family troubles again - so sorry. Maybe I am better off ignoring my lot - only contact I have (on facebook) is with ex-s-i-L's "new " wife, and of course GD#2.

    Diane - thanks for our new week. Sorry about you strange summer! The police are considering the observatory destruction as a suspicious incident. Not talking about kitchen, carseat or painter - too depressing! Rheumatologist phoned Saturday to ask how I am - he asked why I didn't have a blood test since November, and I felt quite stupid telling him I couldn't get into the car to go when it was next due!

    Linda - I think quote about "Lions led by Donkeys" is an insult to Donkeys! Recent behaviour reminds me of an elderly friend who used to say "The current batch of young men seemed to keep their brains in their underpants"!

    Dibnlib - lovely pics of Benson in the garden.  I should think he'll be glad to get his hair cut this week!

  • LOL OG!! Glad you've got the magazine out, and thus out of your hair.

    Dibnlib: Benson looks well and happy.

    We've had a mixed day - gardening this morning. We're very glad we don't have a big garden as can't believe how much things have grown, in amongst the bushes and behind the climbing roses. Have filled trugs full of nettles, brambles and prunings. Then after a quick sandwich we went off to get my OHs eyes tested. This afternoon and evening, many phone calls amongst the family as things are trying to be resolved.
  • Clare, my 1st thoughts were for the spouses of those involved. And they have three children each, apparently, too.
  • Thank you Diane and hallo to all. It's been busy!