Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 June 2021


Everyone have a serene and joyful week! 

  • Good Morning. Dull again here.

    Lynette, what a horrible day you had. And it must have felt like a long one. I do hope that you can get treatment and be more comfortable. Sorry about the holiday, I know you were looking forward to it.

    Wendy, enjoy your family visit.

    AQ - Hilarious quotes!

    I've got another bits and bobs day today. Feel better about the family drama as it all now seems resolved- common sense has prevailed.
  • I felt so unfit wandering between photo spots yesterday that I resolved to Do Something About It. So, this pm, I wandered around the block, a mere 15 mins, but it is a start. My heart got a workout when a dog lurking behind a high fence let go with a humungous deep bark. Next time I should go further. . . but will there be a next time this week? Rain predicted.
  • WENDY Glad Daisy's ear infection has been treated. Benson had an ear problem last year and he was so miserable.

    LINDY Sounds like your family problems have been sorted, what a relief.
  • Morning all:   Daughter and dog departed at 5:30 this morning; not sure how far she'll drive today...  Second load of laundry already in with towels next and vacuum cleaner lurking in the closet for a zoom around the house later.

    Lynette:  Sympathies for the down-under problem.  Very uncomfortable!  Do hope things have settled down after hospital visit.  

    Lindybird:  Common sense has prevailed?  Yay!  So unusual these days.  :-)  

    Heather:  Glad your son is improving on health and weight fronts.

    OG: Why are men so clueless about birthdays?  Anyway, do you have something special on the menu for J?   Can't help with those round veggies unfortunately....

    AQ:  Can I send OH to join you in your 15 minute walks?   He's getting a bit shuffly.  Speaking of which, I was reading The Madhouse at the End of the World (early Antarctic exploration saga) in which the author referred to "a waddle of penguins."  :-))   So apt.    Also read Brain on Fire by NY Post reporter Susannah Cahalan and am now reading You Should Have Known on which the movie "The Undoing" (with Hugh Grant and Nicole Kidman) was based .  I'm more than halfway through the book and the villain has yet to show up in person so whoever turned it into a screenplay had to invent pretty much all of Hugh's dialog.

    Glad various dogs are doing well.

    Something has just dinged in the laundry department so off to see what needs attention.

  • Annette - Glad you had a nice visit from your daughter. Safe journey to her. Yes, it's the only way I can describe our family situation without going into detail - I was anxious at one point that there might be a proper falling out but thankfully those involved are now older and wiser (a LOT older, LOL!).

    I just checked what I had written and my spellchecker thingy had put "cauliflower and wiser........". I think I might use that one, LOL! !

    OG. I forgot to say that I know nothing about growing round things either. You will have the fun of seeing what grows, now!

    Bonnie is off to see the Vet shortly. Report later.
  • I have always been responsible for all birthday cards, anniversaries, congrats and Christmas from this house. Only exception of course, being cards which are addressed to me. And woe betide if that's forgotten - although I don't think it ever has been. :-)

    Bonnie and my OH now back from the Vets: at least she's had her jabs now.. Advice asked for on her paw which is still trying to heal up. It's only a very small mark on one corner of her pad, but it keeps looking sore as occasionally she's been able to lick it. Not a lot of new advice given except to keep her away from it. If we cover it up it takes longer to heal up. If we put her in a cone she looks most uncomfortable, and bangs into every object in the room, including the door frames.

  • Lindy have you tried Hibiscrub … recommended by our vet and available in chemists ?
  • Just a thought

    Hope is a beautiful thing. It gives us peace and strength, and keeps us going when all seems lost. (Julie Donner Andersen)

  • Good Morning. Dry here, and watery clouds.

    Wendy, no. Will look into it, thanks.
  • Good morning, all. Wet here - again - but looking better from tomorrow. Looking forward to Friday - Limpy and I have booked to go out on a boat trip from Harwich to (hopefully) see some seals! Should be good.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.