Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 August 2020

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  • Mower battery needed a third charge - grass was very thick - so I had a pleasant hour outside while E-E finished all the dead heading around the deck. All looking good again. He is now finishing the last little bit of mowing. J is doing his ironing. Had postcard from GDau#2 this morning - she and GDau#1 are on holiday in Rutland. They would normally fit in some music festivals in the summer, but they seem to be happy visiting gardens and castles etc down there. Elder one should have been away at International Guide Camp in Poland, but that is postponed to next year.

    Enjoy remainder of weekend.
  • OG - Sue's nearby Son is indeed the one who has a caravan near to ours - his wife and two daughters, pre teenagers, are in Wales at the moment and the Son is commuting back & forth to have weekends with them all, as he has to work. We went around to admire some garden alterations made recently, as they have had new decking & etc. added.

    The errant shirt had to go into the bottom of the ironing basket, as by the time I found it on the line, I had already put the iron and the board away!

    Its been a far pleasanter day here than when we had all that heat and stormy skies. My OH picked veg this morning at the allotment but has had a bit of a day off since, sitting in our garden and reading. I did some dead heading and pruning, and also some reading, then had a little zzz.
  • Right, my OH is watching the Snooker Final on TV, so here is The Story of Linda's Aching Legs - A Mystery.

    One morning recently, I awoke and found that without warning, my legs seemed to be someone else's!!  The backs of my knees ached, and my legs were stiff so that I had difficulty even staggering the couple of yards to the bathroom.  Later, this eased off but I was left with a dull ache in my shins and stiff knees.

    The next day, far from being easier, it was even worse.  And the next day....  I began to get worried.  I had to be very careful going down the steps into the garden, and felt as if I had some new arthritic thing - I wasn't sure of the cause of it at all.  My OH asked if I had used the stairs a lot - No.  Had I taken up dancing lately?  -  No.  Was I doing new exercises ?  - No.

    If I put my legs up in the evening, it hurt, but also after a while, it helped to have my legs supported.  But each morning, there it was - stiffness and an ache behind the knees. Getting worse each day, not better.  A complete mystery.

    The heat was tiring, and we kept a lot of windows open.  Then, one night, I went to shut some of the conservatory windows before bed.....  And it dawned on me....  Most of the opening windows in this house are the small top ones ("opening lights," the builders call them - I used to work for a surveyor). Several times a day, I had been going around the house, opening or closing all the top windows.  As I'm not tall, this meant reaching up and going onto my toes, stretching my legs to their full extent to be able to reach. I had pulled all the muscles!!!

    Now that I'm aware of it, I'm asking my OH to shut the hardest ones to reach, and my legs are slowly recovering. Phew.  mystery solved.

  • Just seen your entries, Lindybird , on p8/9 12 in all. Made me chuckle, obviously something went wrong . A few pages to catch up on so will probably just tack in on the last page.

    Watched the Commeoration and Memorial service this morning for VE Day and this evenings concert - what fantastic programmes. Took some photos from the tele for posterity - never to forget what the lads of the Commonwealth did out there.

    Dau has managed to get away for a weekend down to a friend in Pewsey. Her frien's son is also my Dau's godson so it will be nice to catch up him, now a young teenager.

    Last two days have been like a winters day (but warmer) all cloudy and overcast with some showers.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • OG - at least your G..Dau's are getting a break. How wonderful to be able to go to the International Guide Camp, lets hope that next years won't be postponed.

    Lindybird - I wonder whether I have done something similar. Really aches at the back of the knee and up my nether region but eases when rested, elevated. Comes on in waves, Had tele appt with doc the other week and she seems to think it might be strained muscles. Can't walk downstairs normally, have to go down one step at a time, but can walk up stairs. Its a lot better than it was but not totally gone, just like yours. Glad you solved the mystery. I too open up the small top windows and am small too. Hmmm - could be the same problem as you have.
  • LINDY: Eat a bunch of walnuts and some fish (salmon is good, because it doesn't have the high mercury content). That will give you Omega-3 fatty acids. They might help you heal. I have a back issue that acts up if I don't get enough Omega-3s. My chiropractor suggested them years ago. I'm so glad you discovered the reason for your pain! INFO

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