Mike, here is the intro.  Thanks. Karen

Last season Maya, the resident Manton Bay female, surprised us arriving back 12 March the earliest date ever recorded at a UK public nest.  The resident male, Blue 33(11),  her mate since 2015, arrived two days later on 14 March and the pair successfully raised two healthy chicks.  More details about the Manton Bay nest, including a table of the breeding data, can be found here.

Here’s wishing Maya and Blue 33 a safe journey home and for another successful season.

Some Useful Links:

Manton Bay Webcam

Rutland Ospreys Website

Rutland Ospreys Facebook

Rutland Ospreys Twitter

Map of Rutland Water Nature Reserve

The Lyndon Centre and Reserve Information

Chloe & Tigers Manton Bay Stats

Birdie Num Num’s  Copyright Notices & Webcams List

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

Previous Threads:

Manton Bay 2016 - March,  April,  May,  June,  July,   August,

Manton Bay 2017 - March,  April, JuneJuly & AugustSept-End Feb18

Manton Bay 2018 - March, April, May,   JuneJuly, August,  Sept-End Feb 19  

  • Mike B said:
    I can certainly ask

    Ah ha ... good to know you can contact Elliot Mike.    Bit concerning they have known about the formatting for weeks and not resolved!!    But overall I don't think much thought has gone into this upgrade and I suspect they are not users nor have they carried out an adequate systems analyst.     From a user perspective as well as posting/formatting, the navigation is horrendous. 

    One huge gripe I have is that, when logged in, the edit button is just below the flag as spam/abuse considering we are having to access it so much.    I would very much like to see that moved to sit perhaps along side the "like" button.   The  "More" option should only contain advance editing - ie cancel, delete and of course the flag spam/abuse.     

    Additionally I would very much like to see easier and consistent navigation - eg when logged into a thread we see latest threads appear at the bottom right as such

    why on earth when we click on the latest post does it not direct us to the latest entry instead the opening post.   What a nightmare - no, no thought has gone into this.

    I suppose I should not complain here as I did come across threads about IT issues but sadly there have been no responses.  

    So sadly it looks like we will just have to muck in together and get on with it.  

  • Karen, I think right now your last sentence just about sums up our situation. I will pass on your thoughts.

  • It's very nice to see you back on here, Karen, despite the dubious 'progress' that has afflicted the site!
  • Good afternoon folks.
    I'm so pleased I'm not the only person having issues with the site, I was finding it pretty depressing. Just trying to get the latest post (as per Karen above) is a constant struggle. I don't think I'm going to be bothering to quote, I'll just use quotation marks and type it. Screengrabs well I'm going to have a go tomorrow and see if I can do them.
  • Jane try clicking on the three dots to the right of the word 'Latest'. That will take you to the last post...….don't ask!!
  • Rich formatting will work if you go to the post BEFORE the last one and reply. That will enable you to post a photo as previously.
    The other way is to enter even just a letter in the reply box, post it, and then go back and select edit. You'll get RF that way too.
  • Hi Alison, nice to be back and also good to see you back on line too.   Always an exciting time of year awaiting the return of the ospreys.   

    Jane - I only hope each of us finds a way to overcome this shambles.   I am finding it difficult to believe that this upgrade went ahead.   IMO heads should roll for this upgrade has neither been properly prepared for nor tested before going live. 

    Mike B said:
    Jane try clicking on the three dots to the right of the word 'Latest'. That will take you to the last post...….don't ask!!

    Mike I am curious about this!   Taking the example I pointed out earlier - the latest posts we see at the bottom right when viewing a thread - I see the three dots but when clicking on them it still takes me to the opening post of the thread.    What part of the site are you applying this? 

  • Where can you actually see these 3 dots Karen? I have been trying to find them. I know that if from the main page, by clicking on the time on the post, on the right, it will take you to the last post in a thread.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Where can you actually see these 3 dots Karen? I have been relying to find them. I know that if from the main page, by clicking on the time on a post, on the right, it will take you to the last post in a thread.

    Hi Catlady, I too am trying to find the three dots Mike refers too!   The only three dots I can see is as per the example I was talking about earlier ie when actually within a thread, at the right hand side.  Here is another screenshot - Below "Latest Posts"  you will see the three dots at the end of each thread name.  Another screenshot
    At first I thought this was just a cut off re the text but the hyperlink does not apply to it so I thought this was maybe what Mike was referring to.   But I clicked on it and it takes me to the OP of each thread.    
    As you say, and I also find, the main page works fine as you can click on the date/time and it does take you to the latest post.     
    This is a inconsistency - both should work the same! 
    Here's hoping Mike can enlighten us :-)
  • I'm still on my tablet and see no dots. I don't use the list under 'Latest Posts' because as you say it takes you to the beginning of the thread individual thread, not the latest post. However I click on the second (right hand) of the two 'Loch Garten Ospreys' in the main blue header. This give you all the latest responses on each individual thread.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018