Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Prairie Dog
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • OG    Thank you. OH has already decided he will have the beef. He couldn't last time as he had a swallowing problem which has now been sorted.

  • Funny old day here, very Aprilish!

    OG- If only I could stop thinking about him! It isn't quite that easy.

  • HEATHER    Sorry that this is preying on your mind. I do hope things get sorted out for him soon.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Good morning, Lindy.  I'm not going to ask about the cavorting bunnies!!

    LOL Clare!   - They were not doing anything to upset the sensibilities of those of a decorous nature, but were just chasing each other around. One of them is HUGE!  We have lots of them here, as we're right out in the countryside, but some Friesian cows in the nearest field rather than spring lambs.

    My OH cleaned up the white posts around our decking this morning, watched and serenaded by a cute robin, who is probably the main perpetrator of the goo!!

  • Heather - Sorry you've got your relative on your mind, and I know it's upsetting, but it's really not your problem. We have a married pair of relatives who are in a dreadful financial pickle, but it's all of their own making and we can only offer moral support.

  • I like the name of the new Prince!

  • Lindy, I agree - although I'm sure I'm not alone by thinking it might have been nice to have 'Philip' in there somewhere ...

  • Pat O said:

    Lindy, I agree - although I'm sure I'm not alone by thinking it might have been nice to have 'Philip' in there somewhere ...

    Funnily enough, half an hour ago I read the exact same comment on another forum, Pat.  And I think so, too.

  • Went out as planned, thought of Linda’s cavorting Bunnies when we saw one of the local black rabbits in a field just out of town.  Coffee stop at “Garden Wise” and looked around as part of planning for complete remake of front garden grasses bed which has become straggling and untidy.  Made a decision and bought a large pot for the centre.  Went to Loch Arthur – trees are quite backward opening leaves through the forest but Gorse is amazing on the slopes, having started blooming late and so carrying masses of flower all at once.  Still no Yellow on the Broom.  Bought our few specialist groceries and soy-free chocolate for dau#2.  Both had snack-size pie and salad for lunch – mine was veg and cream cheese, his was bacon, veg and cream cheese, followed by a scone.  Stopped at Hetland Garden centre on the way home and decided on prostrate conifers for the front bed – three Blue Carpet Junipers around the outside edge and a Golden Carpet for the pot in the middle, to give it some height to tumble from.  Bought the blue ones but still to source the Gold.  We shan’t put them in till next year but decided to buy them and grow them on a bit at home, while we get the grasses out and prepare the ground.  It rained during dinner this evening, but had been a very good day.  And I spotted a Roe Buck in a woodland clearing near the road on the way home.

    Dibnlib – pleased to know that your OH’s swallowing problem has been dealt with – kept forgetting to ask you how he was!

    Heather – sorry your relative’s problem is still nagging you – hope he takes some responsibility for himself and makes an arrangement with his sister to put your mind at rest.

    Linda and Pat – Louis was my guess for the new Prince, although I too thought they could include Philip in there somewhere!

    Hoping for gardening weather tomorrow, after OH has printed the newsletter down at the church in the morning.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I see the Male Osprey at LG is to be known as George - a fitting tribute to George Waterston who began it all!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!