Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Prairie Dog
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Happy anniversary, DIBNLIB!

    ANNETTE- no wonder you were not firing on all cylinders! I hate decaffeinated coffee and also hate instant coffee, although I used to drink it when at work. Hope you buy some fresh and good flavoured coffee today! My relative was living in the Philippines - went out to build a business and a new life. I'm very surprised that he was so trusting with his money. He was a very successful underwriter (insurance) when in UK.

  • Hello!! ( waves )  -- arrived safely an hour ago and are decanting the amazing amount of stuff we bring, from the car.

    Annette, I sympathise. I had a similar problem once,  when we stayed at our Eldests last year. I asked for a reviving cup of tea on arrival, but still felt whacked from the journey afterwards. It was two days later that my son mentioned in passing that they only drank decaffeinated tea!! Gah!!  I bought some 'real' teabags whilst there, and on future visits I was asked which I would prefer. I do drink the decaf tea in the evenings as it can keep me awake.

    Happy Anniversary, Dibnlib - enjoy your lunch at the weekend.

  • Happy anniversary Dibnlib.


    Thank you Clare, Dibnlib & Heather for birthday wishes.


    Sis-i-l sent me a card with a pic of a icecream sundae decorated, not with sweeties, but with colourful pills & capsules. It is our custom to exchange cards emphasizing our agedness!


    SatNav or GPS as we know it, provides Chauffeur Friend & I much entertainment on our outings. Her car has GPS and the Lady Speaker has a serious problem with our Aussie names. Eg the melodious Onkaparinga (pronounced Onkar-paringa) is delivered as On-KAP-a-ringa. Friend may feed in that we want to go from A to C, knowing that we shall make a teeny detour to B along the way. Oh dear, poor Lady has conniptions. Then there was the time she insisted we should take the scenic route winding the long way to next destination. Bad luck, Friend knew this area and drove us on a short direct route.


    I have started gathering “stuff” for bus trip. We fly to Melbourne Sunday morn, bus to Albury. Distance is about 3½ hours drive. Albury is in New South Wales just across the Murray River from the town of Wodonga in Victoria, so we visit both states over the next 5 days. Day trips to surrounding places of interest – Beechworth ( I remember wonderful old buildings), Bright (autumn leaves esp liquidambers), Wangaratta (cathedral town), Glenrowan (bushranger Ned Kelly fame), Wagga Wagga, Rutherglen, Corowa, Tunbarumba, etc. Saturday in Albury itself, then return Sunday. Winery, homestead, pottery, art galleries, museums, gardens, river cruise, lots of history & heritage.

  • Sounds wonderful, AQ. Look forward to hearing all about it, and to your pictures later. Loved the card you received, too!!

    Good Morning, Everyone.  Sitting with a mug of hot tea and a blanket on my knees after a cold night. But the breeze from yesterday seems to have died down. We have most of the curtains closed, as the site is very quiet and there are half a dozen bunnies cavorting around on the grass. Bonnie wants desperately to go and join them.

  • AQ, Thank you. Enjoy your bus trip.

  • Good morning, Lindy.  I'm not going to ask about the cavorting bunnies!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE AND EVERYONE ELSE.  Thanks for your good wishes and to Clare for rubbing it in that I am a wee bit older than her!!!!!. I bought a celebratory cherry cheesecake at Brodie in the afternoon.  We shared it as I find a whole one a bit too much.

  • Missed a day again!  But I did manage to get a few things sorted.  One thing was to mend J’s tie – his pencil “got itself stuck up the (narrow) end of the tie” so it came unstitched along half its length!  Weather was mostly pleasant to look at; there were three quite heavy showers but it was breezy, so dried between.

    AQ – every year I note that your birthday follows Anzac Day, and every year I forget once again!  Sorry, and glad it was a pleasant one.  All my children were born at mealtimes – first was lunchtime and GP who had asked to be present missed his fish and chips, next was breakfast time and son was born at teatime – and all on Fridays!  Your weekend itinerary looks interesting.

    Clare – pleased to see Limpy can still get to Minsmere – hope he had a good day.  So, you have a special birthday next year – same one as my elder Daughter!

    Heather – I hope your relative will soon sort himself out to stay at his sister’s so that you can stop thinking about him!

    Annette – good that you found the needed caffeine – I can’t take it at all!  I don’t actually know Sleaford, although must have driven through it or round it a number of times in the last 50 years!

    Dibnlib – belated Anniversary wishes – and I hope you enjoy a lovely celebratory meal at the weekend.

    Fine with good forecast today here, so definitely driving over to Loch Arthur for lunch and special shopping – will be lovely scenery through the forest route with gorse out and the trees breaking out their fresh green leaves.  Will probably go early and stop for morning coffee at one of the garden centres too!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!