Otters at Leighton moss

Hi there I'm Jamie from Blackburn Lancashire and I have been visiting leighton moss since being a teenager and going camping in the area.. I have been lucky enough to see the otters at different times when visiting but I was wondering how long they have been there and what is the story behind them ie how many? And things like have they ever bred there? 

  • Hi Jamie

    I don't know if anyone has told you about a fabulous book about the otters at Leighton Moss. It's called Tails from the Reedbed by Elaine Prince. The shop at LM sells it. It's based on her observations of the otters and other wildlife seen at LM. Great read, lovely illustrations and photos and full of information. About them breeding as well.  Hope that helps?


  • Hi there Dawn and thanks for your reply I really appreciate your help. I will have to have a look at this and try to get it because it seems like the very thing that I am looking for.. I am going camping in a few weeks to Silverdale so I'll be getting up very early to hopefully see the otters again at Leighton moss. I am like a kid on Christmas morning when I see them. There is something really special about them and I think it is wonderful that they are there. With regards Jamie
  • Hi Dawn I hope you're well and I have just noticed the old post and I thought I would tell you that I did buy tales from the reed bed..I read the whole book in a few days and it was fantastic....However it set me off with more questions but I find the subject really interesting and the fact that we have got a good return of otters in Lancashire as a whole is wonderful but I wish I knew more regarding how it happened. Anyway with warm wishes Jamie