A sunny day in May

I had heard 2 Cetti's Warblers before I got to Morecambe Hide but couldn't find either of the culprits. Outside the Black-headed Gulls were noisy and still collecting nesting material.

Avocets were also nesting behind the fencing ... or having a bit of a scuffle.

There was a drake Garganey out there, too but out of photo range. Mind you, at least I saw it. The couple who went in after me later told me they'd spent 30 mins looking for it after I'd told them and it never showed! They took it in good humour!

We don't have fish photos, so I thought I'd essay an attempt as these were showing well in the sun. I expect it's some sort of highly dangerous shark stickleback or minnow.

Got onto the main reserve and realised I'd forgotten to bring any bird food. What a disaster!

Mainly male Marsh Harriers were flying in front of Grisedale but not in photo range. A few Little Egrets popped in and out, looking dazzling in the sunshine.

A family of Mallards were in the brook by the dipping pool. I was trying to get the little ones jumping at the swarms of flies ...

Another Cetti's went off in the trees at the beginning of the boardwalk. Oh look, there it is!

Ok, it's not perfect as I was looking between reeds but the head is clear and that's now the third I've photographed in as many weeks. Amazing!! I even heard another at the end of the boardwalk but couldn't find it, so that was 4 heard, 1 spotted in the day. 

The GCGrebe family were the stars in front of Causeway hide. "Now, do your exercises or you won't grow up big and strong"

There didn't seem to be any trouble finding little fish for them

Greylags also need a bit of a stretch occasionally

Several drake Pochard about as well

But I really wouldn't have expected to find a drake Scaup - it's no good trying to hide behind the Tufties - I can see you!

We thought the Grey Heron had its eyes on the precious little humbugs...

But then it decided to model for us right in front of the hide instead

This is pretty much uncropped at 200mm.

I do like how unconcerned the Leighton Moss pheasants are. 

A Peewit living up to its old nickname - there were 2 calling in display flights in front of Lower hide. Amazingly difficult to keep them in shot at times and this is one the best I managed!

Well, that about wraps it up. Some of the damselflies and butterfly pics I took are on other posts, so a very good day, I'd say. Mind you, I reckon any day with a Cetti's sighting is pretty good :) 


Nige   Flickr