Leighton Moss 29-10-2017

You will remember this story from the other week, well who did I bump into today no other the Dyson :)

This is the story for anyone that never saw it.

Came across a nice story while at LM today, a chap and his wife have a female Mallard called Dyson, they have had her for eleven years and take her out for walks today she walked the paths at LM so took a picture of her on Norman’s shoulder she is very tame I have another when she was just going into her cat carry, wow would have loved to have taken her home with me.

Well that was the story so Dyson is starting this tread for me, I will try and get a few ready later I have not been in long and only got these ready to post now.

Not knowing the ladies name I am calling her Mrs Norman, and these are the picture and Dyson also said she is sorry Hazel, was not with us she would like to met you and soon.

And she just needed a dip to cool off in the sun.



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  • Not to far then only 14 miles south of me :) he best not walk fast then being so young lol

    I know you have a pond ready for her and I bet she would like it but I don;t think you have a chance taking her home with you I booked her first lol



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  • Some Pictures.

    All three together :) 

    We will get this one working together.



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  • Egrets of the dance.



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  • Two taken just outside the hide window.



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  • super additions Jim,  L.Moss is such a great place to visit and can't wait to catch up again next week :)


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Hazel, can't wait, sadly had a hiccup with the booking but got sorted after phoning Los Angeles up and speaking to a nice chap from over the water :)


    Sorry that should be pond not water :)



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  • James G said:
    Sorry that should be pond not water :)

      LOL  !!      those last pics additions are terrific Jim, the Egrets are beautiful birds to see and they always make me laugh when I hear them "growl" as another Egret comes in to their space and chase it away ! 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Not a crop in sight too taken at 500mm Hazel :)

    And they do like to chase each other around :)



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  • Leighton Moss update: it's been a record-breaking 10-week visit but our popular purple heron has departed. Last seen flying away from the reserve on Friday evening the juvenile bird, which has delighted hundreds of visitors since its arrival in August, must have finally got the urge to head to warmer climes.

    With the last record back in 1996, let's hope that it isn't another 21 years till the next one turns up at Leighton Moss!



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  • Wow,  I hadn't realised the PH had left Jim, what a pity as we are both due to visit Monday and was hoping for another view of this stunning bird.  However, with temperatures plunging on what they have been I'm happy the bird is heading on its natural path southwards and wonder where it will turn up eventually.   Pity it wasn't ringed !!  So, thanks for the update Jim, I'm sad to see it go but glad the bird will hopefully be in it's more rightful location.    


    Regards, Hazel