Just under 2 weeks until my visit to Leighton Moss with my RSPB Local Group. I'm so excited.

It's just under 2 weeks until my visit with the Newcastle Upon Tyne Local Group visit to Leighton Moss on Saturday 9th September for my very first visit since the 1980's when I regularly visited that RSPB reserve with my Father in his car and I saw my 1 and only Bittern on my first trip to Leighton Moss back in the 1970's. I'm getting so excited about that coach trip to that reserve.



  • Hope you have a nice visit Ian, you never know I might Call in myself not been up for a few weeks.



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  • Well I'm off to Leighton Moss by coach very early tomorrow morning with the Newcastle Upon Tyne RSPB Group and it will be more than 36 years approx since I last visited that reserve. No doubt there will be very big changes since I last visited that RSPB reserve. When I last visited Leighton Moss, that reserve was only open 4 days a week and even earlier than that, was when I had to apply for a permit to visit Leighton Moss. How things have changed and for the better.



  • I really hope you have a wonderful time, Thomo!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Called up to Leighton Moss RSPB yesterday and it was not a very productive day and sadly the salt marsh hides were closed for maintenance were I could have got a few more species with the new 600mm lens.

    I surprised Ian, as he got off the coach and had a few hours with the Group he was with and talked to a good few of them I arrived about 9.00am after driving up in the rain but with only 10 miles to go the skies cleared and it was a nice day sadly it was not a good day for the wildlife I did manage to get a couple of shots of the Purple Heron but even with the 600mm it was to far away :(



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  • Yes it was a good day at Leighton Moss. Sadly I didn't see the Purple Heron. But a very enjoyable day. There's a lot of changes at Leighton Moss from when I was last there before last Saturday from more than 20 years ago, all for the better.

