Leighton Moss Visit Day 3 20-06-17 (Part 2)

Back to the Sky Tower...

Buzzard overhead

One of several Mallard families

Robin sunning itself by the main reception entrance

PTR male and Pathway Robin facing off

A spot of body swaying

PTR has young to feed and returns to them...

...then returns to continue the hostility, but not until he's had a good scratch

Female Red Deer from the Grisedale Hide

Male Chaffie

Nutty on the feeding log

Did you bring mealies?

Bank Vole

Back to PTR

Causeway Hide

Could this be a Sand Martin?

A Raptor flew across the front of the hide, from right to left. It had a small bird in its talons. Female Sprawk?

Male Marsh Harrier somewhat closer to the hide than usual

Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

(One bush does not shelter two Robins)

Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)