Leighton Moss Visit Day 2 19-06-17

Monday was a full and very hot day. Mike remained back at Pine Lakes as he was feeling unwell. Hazy and I set out together and then each did our own thing and went to different parts of the reserve. No doubt her photos will reflect this and be completely different to my set (probably with fewer Robins).

Bugingham Palace PTR Robin

En route to the Causeway Hide

Spotted on the path to the Lower Hide. ID please.

Juvenile BT outside the Lower Hide

Coot & Juvenile

It wasn't just the humans that were feeling the heat

Bully having a scratch

Heron from the Grisedale Hide

Male Marsh Harrier

Black Tailed Godwit with Lapwing coming in to land, also at the Grisedale

Male Robin perched on the Tim Jackson/Grisedale sign. He took wax worms to the waiting Female for Courtship Feeding.

This is the Juvenile that hand fed near the Sky Tower

This Mallard family spent time at the main entrance to the reserve. I hope they get paid for their efforts.

Male Blackbird near the Propane Tanks

Another juvenile Robin

Swan family viewed from the Sky Tower

Incoming Heron

Outgoing Little Egret

Male Marsh Harrier also from the Sky Tower

Kestrel speeding North

Male Chaffinch

The Swallow wire had two juveniles and one adult

Mallard family from the Causeway Hide

Another Heron

ID for this one please

Female Reed Bunting?

Mrs Mally was waiting for Hazel when we arrived back at Pine Lakes. Funny how she knew exactly where to wait...

Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

(One bush does not shelter two Robins)

Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Nice collection,   at least the female mallard didn't follow me home  lol      last warbler pics is a Sedge methinks .... but I stand to be corrected  lol     The other not sure,  could be Willow Warbler but leave them to the experts.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Wow you were busy MC even though it was so hot.   The birds don't seem too bothered with the heat, but I bet you envied the Heron in the water, it looks as if it is landing on the Little Egret in the one pic, great captures.   The male Marsh Harrier is superb and the baby Robins of course as always are so cute.

    Lot to learn