Visiting Leighton Moss in September!

I'm visiting Leighton Moss with the Newcastle Upon Tyne RSPB Group on Saturday 9th September 2017 by coach. It will be my first visit there since the 1970-1980 period. What type of bird's will I have the chance to see in September. I saw my one and only Bittern at Leighton Moss in the 1970's. What chance will there be of seeing that elusive bird again or possibly the chance of seeing my first ever Bearded Iit in September as well. I've never visited Leighton Moss in September before, as I've always visited in May or June, way back in the 1970's and 1980's. Any ideas will be most appreciated.



  • I have been going for years Ian, and still not seen a Bittern and can’t say I have heard one either for years but I believe they are there, Bearded Tits are the same but I have seen these and got a few pictures September might be a little early for them visiting the grit trays on the causeway but you never know, it’s a place were I take advantage of what I see on the day even then you don’t get the shots you want.



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  • Hi Ian

    We look forward to welcoming you to Leighton Moss in September - I think you will be amazed by the changes that have taken place on the reserve since your last visit!

    Bitterns are, as you know, elusive by nature and while they're usually easier to see in winter you may get lucky in September! As for bearded tits, autumn is the very best time to look out for these reed dwellers. They start to change their diet from insects to seeds at this time of year and we provide grit trays for them. The bearded tits regularly visit the trays to take on the grit that helps them break down the seeds, aiding digestion. The best chance of seeing one is to wait by the grit trays or to walk along the paths listening out for their distinctive 'pinging' calls.

    Of course September is a time of migration so who knows what else will be around - lots of waders, returning wildfowl and plenty of the season's young birds, plus otters, red deer and a host of other wildlife to enjoy!

    I hope this helps answer your question,


    Jon Carter

    Visitor Experience Manager, RSPB Leighton Moss and Morecambe Bay nature reserve.