Leighton Moss 26/05/2017

Some pictures taken at LM yesterday.


Blue Tit

Broad Bodied Chaser

Canada Geese

Greylag Geese

Female Mallard in the golden hour.

Chiffchaff ?

Marsh Harrier

One that I have never seen at LM Osprey sadly to far away :(



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  • Looks like an excellent day for photography. Nice spot of the Osprey.

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Catching a passing Osprey is always nice, even if distant.


    Nige   Flickr

  • Great set of photos Jim, sorry we missed you by just a day !   I believe the Osprey had been seen the day or day before we went so expect it is the Foulshaw Moss one.    Glad you saw the Marsh Harrier as it was elusive on Thursday.   Lots of juvenile birds everywhere though and a Cattle Egret was supposed to be in the fields towards Lower Hide area.  

    Incidentally, I believe Cattle Egrets have now bred at Burton Mere  :)  a first methinks !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • It was a good spot MC, never seen one before at LM.

    It was nice to see it Nigel.

    Thank’s Hazel, I believe the Osprey has been seen a few times, sadly the Marsh Harrier came over my head and I did not have the cam set-up for BIF above you :(  and I never saw the Cattle Egret and I did go to Lower Hide my first picture from there was just before 4.30am



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  • James G said:
    my first picture from there was just before 4.30am

        wow  !   you were up at first light !!  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I set off at 3.00am and the roads were empty so made good time going up :)



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  • lol Jim, it's about the only time you can drive the M6 without coming across a snarl up of some sort !  


    Regards, Hazel