Leighton Moss 03/05/2017

Called up to Leighton Moss yesterday saw quite a lot but hard to get pictures of some of the small birds high up in the tree's here are a few for now.

Bar Headed Goose


Greylag Goose

Little Grebe

Marsh Harrier

Reed Bunting



Found out were to report this ring and got an e-mail back this morning so it did help reporting it.

Hi James,

Very many thanks for taking the time to read and report this collar – good to get this sighting.
I’ve added it to our database and I’ve attached some information for you – hope this is of interest.
I’ve also attached an information sheet which explains a little about the work we’re carrying out.
Any further sightings of this bird or other colour marked Greylags would be most welcome.

Best wishes




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