Starling murmurations

Hi there,

I am planning to visit Leighton Moss this Friday ( can`t wait! ) and wondered if anyone could tell me if the starlings are displaying yet please?

Thanks for your time,


  • Hi Janet,

    It is still a little bit early for the starlings and we have not yet had any significant murmerations. November is usually the month for them to start building up into big numbers.

    You will be pleased to know that there is lots of other fantastic wildlife to see at the moment. Bearded tits are still visiting the grit trays regularly and red deer stags are rutting. There is also a huge amount of wildfowl like shoveler, teal, wigeon and pintail showing well from the causeway and lower hides. We have even had a very rare American wigeon here this week!

    I hope you enjoy your visit on Friday.


    Visitor Experience Manager

  • Thank you very much for your kind and speedy reply Fran.

    Warmest regards,
