Otter or Beaver???

Hello, I am Michiel from Eindhoven, The Netherlands. My wife and I visited Leigton Moss last September. We were told in the visitor centre about the otters to spot. And we did see 'them', although looking at a picture I took, I more and more think it looks like a beaver!. Is that possible? I will enter the picture later... The 'swimming motion' was -in my eyes- also to smooth for an otter :-).
  • Hi Michiel, thanks for your post and I hope you had a great day on the reserve. With regards to your question I am absolutely certain the animal you saw was an otter. To the best of my knowledge there have never been any sightings of beavers on the moss.

    Mike G

  • Hello Mike, We had a wonderful day on the reserve. (And we brought some nice weather as we promised our hosts at Challan Hall :-) ).

    Hope the situation with the recent water is a bit better now.

    I entered some photos, two of them with the 'beavery' otter...


  • Hi Michiel,

    Thank you for your posts. We would be most excited if there was a beaver here (it would be a major first), but from looking at your images it is definitely an otter. The tail is long and thin, and we do regularly see them smoothly swimming across our pools when they are still.

    The water levels have dropped down off the paths, and so everywhere is now accessible in normal walking boots. We hope to see you again soon.

    Best wishes,

    Annabel Rushton

    Visitor Experience Manager