Leighton Moss Pictures 23/6/2015

Called up for a few hours my first this year, hope to get things together and make it more often.



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  • Lost my Mum last weekend so won’t be on here for a while :(



    My Pictures

    My Fbook Group

  • So sorry JB, it's all a bit much for you just now ... take time & take care & come back to us when you feel able!

    My thoughts & prayers are with you!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Oh Jim I am so so sorry! Words cannot describe what you must be feeling right now. Know that you are not alone and people are thinking about you. Don`t be afraid to ask, if you need anything or if anyone can do anything for you. Please take good care of yourself.

  • So sorry to hear this, Jim. Again, please know that my thoughts are with you.

    My bird photos HERE

  • Jim I am so sorry to hear of your losses.

    Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

  • That's so sad. We're all thinking of you.

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Hello Jim,  although I've not been on the forum or signed in for a couple of months due to taking a break for a while,  your message came through to my inbox and I felt I had to log on and write a note here to send my sincere condolences to you and your family on your recent sad losses.   I am so terribly sorry to hear this dreadful news but as others buddies have said, please don't feel you are alone as we are all thinking about you.     I know you are only an hour away from where I live so please  do not hesitate to come on over if you need a break from this awful time of sadness as you are welcome to come over, sit in the garden (weather permitting  ) and come and photograph the garden birds with me or equally,  Mike and I can meet up if you fancy a walk somewhere.    Feel free to PM me whenever you want Jim.    Our thoughts are with you.     XX Hazel


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Many thanks to everyone, I am coming round a little now, I have stopped drinking the hard stuff and this is helping, I have even picked enough courage up to get out tomorrow first of many more hopefully, my venue is the one and only Leighton Moss, I might even set of very early and see if I can see the Perseid meteor shower.

    Mum was not alone when she past away me one of eight children were there with many more but she is also a grandma to 21 grandchildren, 36 great grandchildren and 1 great, great granddaughter so she was loved very much.

    Thank you very much Hazel, it would be nice to meet up with you and Mike and like you have said your not that far away from here, I will have to see when I can get the time me the family and my late wife’s family have still lots to do and I am trying to get a date so I can take Sandra’s ashes up to Seahouses.

    Many thanks to all again.



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  • Good to hear from you JB & very pleased to hear that you are getting it together again ... must be great comfort to have a large family around too!

    Hope you get to see the Perseids, I spent Sunday night at local reserve for a couple of hours, a bit early but was a clear night & quite a turnout of people ... a few were sighted plus a great fly over by ISS but I couldn't do it for long though, severe neck-ache!  Have been watching from garden last couple of nights but very cloudy, have seen some though!

    Take care, hope to hear from you again soon


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Nice to hear from you again Jim, and as Wendy says, your family must be a great help at the moment. I'm glad that youre starting to get out and about again, one small step at a time. Best wishes.

    My bird photos HERE