Leighton Moss Pictures 23/6/2015

Called up for a few hours my first this year, hope to get things together and make it more often.



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  • Excellent images JB, how do you do it??


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • With an expensive lens Wendy :) and a lot of patience.



    My Pictures

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  • I guessed as much!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Superb photos Jim!

    I agree that equipment does go a long way, but don`t sell yourself short. After all, no one commented on Michael Angelo`s paintbrushes did they?

    Looking forward to seeing more of your pics.


  • It does take two though Wendy, my son is getting marred on the 11th of this month so I have just got a new lens through the post today a 17-50mm and I am very impressed with it should get some nice pictures :)

    Sadly the love of my life past away five weeks ago so will not be joining me and this is why I have not been on the net a lot I do go on my time line  just to see what’s going on and to see if I have any messages.

    Thanks Jan, I am coming around a little now so will try and get out more, I love all wildlife even the things that bite you :)



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  • So sorry to hear your sad news JB, stay strong & enjoy your Son's wedding & trying out new lens!

    Let us share results if you feel up to it!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I’m also sorry to hear such sad news Jim, please know that my thoughts are also with you. I’m sure your son’s wedding will be a chance to look forward towards better times and perhaps look back to happier times in the past.

    My bird photos HERE

  • Hi Jim, on holiday at the moment and only just seen your post.

    So sorry for your loss. Though you had been unusualy quiet on the forum.

    Look after yourself, best regards Andy & Adele.

  • So sorry for your loss Jim.

    Make sure you take good care of yourself and try to take one day at a time.


  • Thanks Wendy, I am trying but it still hurts even now :(

    Thanks Paul, I have to call up tomorrow at his place to try the outfit on, then we are going to Fairburn Ings seeing it only down the road from were he lives :) 

    Many Thanks, Andrew, This is the first time someone close as gone from my life and it hurts I have not felt like this before and hope I don’t again but sadly I am 1 of 8 and my Mum now has 58 great great grand children so just going to keep my fingers crossed, give my love to Adele, and I hope we can met again and have a day out together.

    Thanks Jan, I thought I was strong but this hurts so much and I don’t want to ever forget this felling I have.

    We were supposed to be up at Seahouse that week but had to cancel, but Stay Northumberland got back in touch and said I can have any week that’s free up till June of next year, so there are people out there that still care.

    We have stayed at Kipper Cottage in Seahouse every year for seven years, so will be going again and again god willing.

    Jim xxx


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