Otters at Leighton Moss

On our second visit in as many weekends to RSPB Leighton Moss, my wife and I were really pleased to get some great views of no less than 3 otters last Saturday (7th Feb). We arrived at the centre at about 10:45am and on entry we were given our membership tags and some great info from one of the staff - really sorry I didn't get the chap's name - about the otters. He told us they had been out on the water/thin ice in front of the public hide even during that time of day. We had previously spotted one from there once last year, but it was just a brief glimpse. We decided to go there first and almost immediately we were lucky enough to see one otter towards the reeds on the other side of the water. Then it got better... another one showed further across and later there were three out all at the same time, two of them playing with each other in the water. They were hard to see properly with the naked eye but great to see with even small binoculars. They showed for at least 45 minutes and at one point one of them was swimming under the ice and breaking it up from underneath. I didn't get great photos, but a few snaps of one of them running along the reeds and chasing a heron away! I'd recommend a visit to anyone to see that!