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Deer cull?

I am a life long member of RSPB and have been visiting Leighton Moss 45 years...I am somewhat dismayed to read that there is an imminent cull of deer to take place here and would like to know if this is true? if true please explain..
  • So people are for and against the cull. Could people answer me this though.  If this was a debate about badger culling would it get the same reaction?? Or certain  members of parliament/higher figures trying to implement a cull on urban foxes???  . A lot of what I have read their are some great points for and against, but also what I do see is that some people are only interested on the bird side of the debate and the help it will do for them.  No animal  deserves to be slaughtered for what ever reason.  Just like to hear if these people who are for the cull would have the same opinion with the two mentioned culls above.

  • It is Natural England or 'unnatural England' I feel is more fitting and the D.O.E Dept of Environment behind the cull not that it excuses the RSPB. I suspect funds have been provided for this cull by those two organisation, one of them the D.O.E has contributed to the new 'Skytower'. It proves what I have always thought the RSPB isn't an independent charity anymore than Cunbria Wildlife Trust another selective protector of wildlife (only those that attract a fund).The reasons accepted by 'Unnatural' England to cull are 'on the grounds of Health and Safety' or 'damage to habitat'. The reed beds according to the RSPB are being damaged by the deer and evidence provided by the photos of the site show tracts through the reed beds made by a small roaming herd of NATIVE Red Deer. This is a large reserve that can easily accommodate this number and the damage is minimal in fact I have never seen a better looking reed bed. The deer they plan to cull are healthy hinds not elderly or sick deer. Gun fodder for the hunting, shooting neanderthals known as the 'Deer Initiative'. Protection and conservation but not as you know it!!!

  • I was at leighton moss about 2 months ago. Nature reserve sat in the middle of a firing range. Weekend fun shooting birds out of the sky. This was bad enough having to hear this from all angles.  Wind your necks in folks, this is what happens in the countryside.  An organisation that already has shooting around its site now supporting a cull. Something else for these flat cap toffee noses.