Numbers of pheasant

Why are there so many pheasants on the path leading to the Lower Hide? It makes me wonder if shooting takes place in the adjoining field.
  • I haven't been to LM for a while now due to work, but I feel I must say something on this topic. I agree with George here.

    All food is meant to be Humanely killed so why do we as a society still let out dated practice's continue ?

    I know it's part of the county tradition, and Townies such as myself are meant to keep our noses out, but surely birds meant for the table should be bred as such and killed in a humane manner not as a type of sport ? I will shut up now as I don't want to offend anyone I just wanted to get it off my chest !

    Regards Andy

  • Thanks Andy, it's not just the shooting but the whole rearing process of partridges and pheasants which is cruel, they don'e seem to have to conform to laws pertaining to poultry.  Just think if someone opened a chicken or turkey farm and invited people to come and shoot them for a laugh, there would be public outcry!!  What's the difference?

  • It was not for fun George anything I killed was taken home and eaten unless it was a rat, like I said earlier I regret it now but things were different in the sixties and I don’t think I had ever seen a pheasant round here but did have a lot of partridges but never shot one I even knew were their nests were I walked the fields and moors round here every night for years so noticed everything.

    Rearing birds for target practice is not my thing either it should be banned altogether.



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