Great 3 days at Leighton Moss

Just had three fabulous days at Leighton Moss and the surrounding area.
The highlight had to be the bearded tits. A first for us. Even managed to get one that had not yet been ringed.

Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
~ Mark Twain

  • So glad you've seen beardies JudiM! It's always useful to know if we've missed any with the ringing :) There's been 65 young this year so they've had a really good season.

  • Glad you had an interesting and successful visit to L.Moss Judi and lovely photo of the Beardie;   when we visited 15th Oct. they were ringing birds that day and I think 8 Beardies had already been caught that morning so as Annabel says, they have had a really successful breeding season which bodes well for the future :)   can't wait to go back again.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Glad you enjoyed your visit Judi, it’s a fantastic place I need to get up and have my fix :) very nice picture of the Beardie on a reed and one without a ring too nice one.



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