RSPB Leighton Moss 21/9/2014

Had a very nice day at Leighton Moss, the sun was out and so was the wildlife not only that but I also met some very nice people.

Just a few pictures for MC, i will post some more later.



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  • Thanks Jim. Is that one of the youngsters that I filmed while they were in the nest, or were the photos taken elsewhere?

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Beautiful photos Jim;  L.Moss is a lovely place to visit, really looking forward to getting back there soon and hopefully, come October seeing the Bearded Tits, fingers crossed but its all down to luck on the day.    Hope you had time to visit the cafe and taste the Orange Drizzle cake  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I’m sure one or two might be, MC, they were taken in that vicinity, one let my get that close we could have kissed :) sadly the little camera I took to do a movie of them acted up so I missed it :(

    Thanks, Hazel, I will be up again soon and again later to try for the Bearded Tits, I have a few pictures of them but on the grit trays a want a more natural shot on the reeds before they come down onto the trays but I am greedy lol
    I never made it into the café I did the whole reserve and went for seconds so had a long day, sadly no Orange Drizzle I take my own refreshments but I have tasted the Orange Drizzle cake in the past and its very nice too.



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  • Some more from Leighton Moss taken today.

    Baby Bank Vole



    Coal Tit



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  • Wonderful captures J, glad you didn't bother with Cafe ... meant more lovely shots for us to savour!!

    BBV just a great pic!

    Thanks muchly


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks, Wendy, there were about four BBV but they were very quick but i got this one :) And I also took some pictures of that gadget I made so will post these later, The café is a little bit pricey, Wendy, and sadly the portions are a wee bit small too :(

    Anyways I have got some more ready :)



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  • I thought I had taken a picture with it connected onto the side of the window frame but I can’t find it, Wendy.
    Anyway here is three I took one from the window bottom and two from the top, one of the pictures I took the camera off and put my Lens2Scope on this give me 4000mm so can see anything on the reserve even beyond :)


    Forgot to add the pictures lol



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  • More great captures J, that invention of yours proving to be very useful!!  Plan drawings please lol !

    Are you able to take pics using scope?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Sadly not the adaptor increases the lens you put it on by x10 I tried digiscoping through it but the magnification is to great you only get the central part of the picture I might try another way but that’s on hold for now.

    You don't need plans, Wendy, you can see how its made in the pictures lol



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  • Sort of J but not as clever as you!!  Will it work with sx50 powershot cam?  Where did you get that ring thing??


     2013 photos & vids here

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