Latest visit to Leighton Moss & Morecambe Bay

Another lovely day out on Thursday (26th June) wandering around Leighton Moss and Morcambe Bay rspb.      After a very quiet 8.30am arrival things started to pick up after a couple of hours and we managed to see a lot of different species of birds, wildlife and insects,  from Marsh Harriers and Red Deer, to Reed Buntings and Willow Warbler and a trip to Warton Crag nearby gave distant sightings of 2 Peregrine Falcons.      There are far too may to put into a thread so I will add a few of what we saw and the rest can be found on my Flickr. page.    

adorable juvenile Robin, one of many at Leighton Moss rspb.

Reed Bunting male

Reed Warbler

Wren  (my grateful thanks to Aiki for the ID)  

Red Deer

Marsh Harrier, female    (the Black Headed Gulls and Lapwings were harassing her somewhat ! )

poor Marsh Harrier still being mobbed by the Black Headed Gulls

and overhead something else appeared in the sky  !    ............

  ZF289. Shorts Tucano T1          in fact there were two of them flying together but only one in the shot.

Meadow Brown ?

Chaffinch female

Willow Warbler



Black Headed Gulls juveniles

Blue Tailed Damselfly

Cormorants displaying to the Greylag Geese on the bank  !

Meadow Sweet was in abundance everywhere

and finally, distant views of the Peregrines at Warton Crag who were in two separate areas on the Limestone hill face

had to crop the image hard to get this shot ....

Thanks for viewing this thread,   more photos can be found HERE


Regards, Hazel 

  • Yes, I've got to say Bob that it takes some considerable time and effort to post up threads with photos which seem to quickly disappear off the radar within a couple of hours;  its not that I need comments or response back on my threads (I'm not worried about that) but it would be rather nice to have a page count on each thread to see how many folk have actually viewed each thread, at least you feel you are not wasting your time and efforts to post  lol      I have one more thread to add today of a beautiful Song Thrush who is a regular visitor to the garden and yesterday I managed to sit just 2 metres away from him/her to get photos.  They are such a beautiful bird it was a delight to get such close and clear views of it.    After I post the Thrush thread up later I may just give it a rest for a while, as Alan has done;  just wish we had a multi-photo uploader to make posting easier but I understand this Community is a bonus for us folks and costs the RSPB money to run so although frustrating at times, its better than having no Community !  I think we all need a break from time to time to recharge those "posting up" batteries   lol      


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Looks like you had a nice time at Leighton Moss & the Salt Marsh, Hazel, and nice to see the Peregrines at Warton Crag, was there any sign of any young ones I have not been up for a while so have lost touch with the locals who go.



    My Pictures

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  • Did catch up with you eventually aitch & I do appreciate your pics/posts even though I can't always respond quickly ... shall have to remember there ius the 'like' button!!  Love that Robin baby, never get these in my garden, don't think I've ever seen one in the flesh!  Emailed D the other day & he's still sorting out new laptop!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr