Re Volunteering

I am coming to Lake Vyrnwy in February as a volunteer. Always wanted to see this area and am really excited to be there in February. I can see that a bike might be useful to get around the lake when I have time off! See already planning ti do things other than work-although I am looking forward to that too.When I am there Ill be filling this post in with a daily report if possible.

Is anybody else out there going in February?

Bye for Now


  • Well Ive been and gone. I recently spent two weeks at Lake Vyrnwy. The accomodation was great with a beautiful open fire and night storage heaters which kept the bungalow warm and cosy.The vomlunteering experience was predominated by tree work, ( either planting or cutting), hide and bird box maintenance and routine feeding of local birds. I spent 7 days out planting 165 trees on a very steep mountain and cutting down fir trees that had strayed onto  moorland that is being conserved for the support of the black grouse.It snowed hailed and blew gales . I had a great sense of schievement once it was all over. The staff were inspirational and supportive. Really great experience!!!

    Bye for Now
