Barn Owl Watch

After a last minute decision we spent most of the day at the barn owl watch point showing the passing visitors the young birds in the nest box. Although to look at them now you would probably think they were adults. It shouldn't be too long now before they stretch their wings and head off to fend for themselves. So if you haven't had the chance to see them yet don't leave it too long.

It's been quite good being out and about on the reserve and today we had at least 122 visitors pass by, last Saturday we had around 80 and a few weekends earlier some 120 visitors passed by. In 3 sessions we have brought over 320 visitors closer to nature, some visitors may have been return visitors but most were first timers..pretty good. Everyone we have met seemed to have really enjoyed seeing these birds.

It was a bit of a dull, cloudy day with outbreaks of light rain and there didn't seem too much about; a few redwing moving through and a nice flock of 30+ siskin, 15+ goldfinch, 2+ lesser redpoll roaming the reserve. 80+ golden plovers  flew over in small groups and was probably the highlight of the day (apart from the owls). After owl watch we spent some time in the Reedbed Hide and from here there were snipe, kingfisher and cetti's warbler.

For more sightings and photos please visit my blog;