One Hour Of Blissmas near Christmas

I had some steroid injections in some of my joints earlier that day and decided I could not go on the walk with the rest of the group so I decided to spend an hour in Drewer Hide waiting for their return.

it wasn't long before I was treated to a Kingfisher who flew in from the long channel and settled on the upright stick in front of the hide, it stayed for 10 minutes before flying off to the small willows to the left, there it stayed 5 minutes until flying off Again. A Water Rail was rushing across to and fro the long channel only giving fleeting glimpses of its silent presence. Two Great Spotted Woodpeckers made a rapid flight across the top of the reeds. A flock of Redwings we're flying overhead now and then giving away their presence with their distinct voice. "What the", something flew right in front of the hide window into the trees to the right, lovely!, it's a beautiful Treecreeper on full view feeding for 5 minutes. I heard the call of an Owl in the distance. I decided to make a slow return to the visitor hut to meet up with the rest of our group, I did not get far when I saw a Deer busy feeding just near me, brilliant, I stood still and watched it, wow, another joined it and they stayed close for 15 minutes. I decided to carry on and that spooked them. As I approached the hut I noticed another Deer foraging only a few meters away from the hut, I watched it for a while until it melted away back in the trees.

Thank you Fowlmere for a "Blissfully" wonderful hour.