One of the Turtle doves at the reserve last Sunday

One of the many highlights was a chance to get some footage of a Turtle Dove, it is a bird that I am passionate about and with it's dramatic decline I have been trying my best for a good while to spot one longer then a few seconds at Fowlmere. Usually I end up looking at the trees near the drewer hide for ages, or around the visitor hut or lately in the car park but last Sunday it was almost as though we were being stalked by one as we walked around the main path.

Eventually and as I was getting particularly flummoxed we spotted the dove in a dead tree on the left, just before the tree that the Barn Owls box is in, and managed to quickly grab some film being it flew off, and here it is :)

  • Quickly popped over yesterday for a couple of hours looking for the water rail, had two turtle doves, either side of the drewer hide purring together, it's a sound to enjoy so if you have been thinking about popping to fowlmere please do that and take the chance to try and see one of these iconic and very rare birds.