Nature on Your Doorstep Community

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I refill my pond direct from the Water Butt

as our water butt was often overfull ~I came up with an idea, bought one of the link kits to link water butts together but no space  for another WB dictated I now send our overflow direct to the pond with the use of the kit and a longish hose. The water comes off our conservatory roof.

Saves using tap water most of the time. AS we had a slow leak at one point it did help.

No way to get into the down pipes from main roof as in 60's when our house was built they hid all pipes inside the house. Drat!

WE also have a water butt on our garage which is at the other end of the garden to the house so that does help when watering that end of the garden.

Maybe others can use this idea. good for when it does rain too much so gardens do not need watering.

I like deadlines I particularly like the whooshing sounds as they fly by ( Douglas Adams)