Nature on Your Doorstep Community

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get the children interested

hello everyone this is my first time on here

I live in Cornwall  and I am a  child minder I have looked after the same 2 children for over 9 years and I didn't realize

how much I have installed in them a love of wild like and birds  the little boy who's 6 is bird crazy ,we have 

a bird hunt every morning on  our way to school , he is getting really good at recognizing the different types of

birds and I am so proud  he is so interested  at such a young age ,I only wish more people would do this


L Dean

  • Welcome to the Community, Lorraine!  Sounds like you're doing a great job with the children.  I have a daughter who is now coming up to the dreaded 13 - she's not bird mad like myself and my husband but she does enjoy seeing the multitudes of different birds in our garden each day and doesn't hesitate to point out her favourites.  Keep up the good work!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I agree so much how important it is to get the next generation involved with our wildlife, and at as early an age as possible. They love finding out about things. I can recommend those simple hand-held magnifiers and mini-microscopes. Hubby took this pic of a daphnia from the pond with one; all very basic, but what was just a dot becomes life at the bottom of the food chain!

  • Hi Lorraine and welcome to the community from me in Saddleworth.

    Excellent news that you are getting the kids involved. They are learning so much and getting out and about and helping out wildlife. I believe it doesn't just have to be about birds as there's plenty of other connections such as flowers and ponds and how they connect and how relevent they are to each other. In the summer I love to "cater" for the bees. I just plant loads of wild flowers and rich nectar plants. I love it.

    Its great the kids are getting involved.

    Also its great that adults are also introduced to this world as well because 2 yrs ago I couldn't spot a bluetit from a goldfinch. But now Im hooked.

    Yesterday at work I was chatting to a colleague and I just happened to mention about feeding garden birds. I never thought he'd be the type to be interested but he couldn't get enough. We talked about what species and feeders and I also gave him my raw pastry recipe!

    But back to the kids, anything to get them away from the brainwashing of x boxes or playstations is a bonus! There's too much to see in the "real" world!!

    Cheers, Jason

  • Welcome to the friendly forum. Great to hear you are encouraging the youngsters to get involved in nature. The more we see, the more we enjoy. Happy days.

    Take care all, Stich.

    My gallery Here  Flickr Here    

  • sorry every one I think I posted this in 2 different places I thought the 1st one didn't send lol

    L Dean