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My garden

Due to an extremely clumsy painter my pond that I put in last year has been damaged. So I had to decide whether to fix it or move it. I decided to move it because then I could make it bigger again. This seems to be a habit of mine lol. Anyway I have brought the pond liner and started work on the new pond I am in no rush as I have done a patch on the leaky liner. Also I discovered that newts have not only moved in to the pond but have spawned in there as well so I have got all summer to finish the new one to make sure it is just how I want it. SO it seems the clumsy painter has done me a favour because now I get an even bigger pond so it can't be that bad. :o)

  • No I didn't realise what he had done until the water level dropped, I was not happy at first then I realised that it meant I could go a little bigger if I moved it. So in the end it was ok. I just had a look at Maise's pond I wish I could have one that big mine is going to be tiny compared to that. I am taking photos as we go but I haven't got them on the computer yet. I have some pics on my profile of what is there at the moment. I will have to get my son to put the photos on for me then I can upload them.

  • You didn't newter the painter I hope



             a good laugh is better than a tonic