Nature on Your Doorstep Community

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Your stories...creating a water feature

The benefits to wildlife from adding a water feature to the garden are huge. For birds, they gain a place to drink and bathe, the insect life that a pond can bring in will also help keep your feathered friends well fed, as well as being of great interest in their own right. You may also attract frogs and newts and many species of aquatic plant are very eyecatching that can liven up any garden.

We are really interested to hear about your small and large scale water feature projects in gardens, schools, places of work or community projects. If you are able to show us your pond taking shape and how it looks at the end of your hard work, even better! We would also love to see pictures of wildlife in their new surroundings.

If you are thinking about adding a water feature and don't quite know where to start, check out our Homes for Wildlife advice. We look forward to seeing how you get on!

Warden Intern at Otmoor.