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Water level maintenance in a bog garden/shallow pond.

Hi there!

Some great advice in here and I've really benefitted from it, thanks to all who donated.

One thing I've seen nothing on though, (and this goes for the rest of the internet too) is how to maintain the level of a bog garden/very shallow pond during the summer. I've got a large planter full of carnivourous/bog plants and I've noticed that even on days when it's not been that sunny/hot, the water level can drop significantly. Ignored over a hot weekend it would dry up, and going on a two week holiday fills me with dread as I've no-one to visit to top it up. Ditto with same specimens of the plants indoors.

I want to expand the collection into a Bog garden/shallow pond, which will no doubt help but the problem still remains.

I could run a pipe and float switch operated pump to my water butt 30 feet away but it's not very elegant and would sort the indorr collection problem. Anyone got any ideas please?



  • I think your idea for outside is a good one. If you only use it while you are away then how it looks won’t matter. If your water butt is higher than your bog you shouldn’t need a pump.

    If your plants indoors are in pots, put them in the bath (with rain water). They won’t mind the reduced light for a short while.  

    I’ve got a small bog with Sarracenias in it, I love them.

    Build it and they will come.