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Pond or no pond???

I really want a pond (wildlife area not fish!) but the only space i have is out the very back of our garden. Its an area of around 8 m sq which is a sort of raised bed containing a tree and a few flowers which come up every year such as bluebells, holyhocks and forget-me-nots. Think there is a conifer in there too but its only small so i can move that.  Other than that its nettles or bear mud.

my concerns are:-

wildlife wont be able to get at it as is raised

too shaded by the tree

heavy soil so will take hell of a lot of digging

The area in question is right next to a small river 

My other thought was to lay wildflower turf but its so expensive, i tried sowing wildflowers last year but hardly any grew so i was just left with nettles which arent really a nice feature.

Really want to get it sorted this year....any ideas or suggestions gratefully recieved

Where the posts are to the right of the tree is where im putting a fence to try to keep next doors nettles &  brambles out.

The decking area to the left is where i spend summer afternoons. Am still in the process of clearing up leaves and weeds etc