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Duck weed

Probably not the best time of year to be asking this - certainly not doing anything in this weather! But as I'm fairly new on here I thought I'd ask -


Has any one got any tips on getting rid of duck weed? 

I've had loads of wildlife in my pond but it keeps getting covered in duckweed.  I do keep trying to thin it down but I keep catching tadpoles etc when doing it. 

I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!

  • We had similar problem when we redesigned our pond. We normally top up any water evaporation with stored rain water however we were forced to use some tap water which we had stored in awater butt for a week, but it meant too much mineral in the water. The result was duck weed growing in over a third of the pond.

    We introduced more water snails and regularly removed the weed which did involve setting up "an escape route" for tadpoles and other bugs at the side of the pond. Used a large flower pot to hold the weed and set it at the side of the pond beside a small iris. This seems to let the wild life back into the pond and the remaining "gunk" is great for your compost bin - we usually leave it about a week before emptying to give bugs time to move on.

    The snails love the duck weed and although it has not disappeared it has reduced it considerably. We have learnt our lesson about using tap water and will not do it again.

    Good luck

  • use to have that problem but now the duck weed get eaten by water louse not weather i like that water lose eat alote of plants duck weed allows most of them to grow

    tadpoles eat duck weed too

    the friedly bid watcher

  • If you put barley straw in your pond, it will not only keep blanket weed away but it also helps to keep Duck weed under control. You do have to give the barley straw enough time to rot before you see any benefit.

    Build it and they will come.