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I had a water feature installed in my garden in the Spring and have really enjoyed watching birds come for a drink and bath, with frogs living amongst the rocks at the base of the (Roman urn shaped) feature.

However, about a month ago a black slime began building up on the surface of the water which then got cascaded over the outer surface of the feature. The urn got blacker and blacker until I had to power jet it off last weekend. I also drained the feature and cleaned the inside as well as I could.

However, less than a week later the surface is beginning to darken again.

Does anyone know if I can add anything to the water which will prevent the slime but which is also bird and other animal friendly?

Yours in anticipation

  • Hi S welcome to the RSPB.

    Really sorry i can't help answer your question but several members have ponds so fingers crossed ,someone comes along that is able to help you soon :0)))



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Hello and welcome - I hope someone can answer because I'd like to know this too!

    Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]

  • Unfortunately there is nothing you can add to the water to stop algae from developing without causing a threat to wildlife. The only suggestion i can offer to help with removing build ups of algae is regular cleaning with a suitable brush.

    One thing you could try to stop algae spreading is to put a block of barley straw in the water, this is an effective way of preventing algal blooms developing and will not harm wildlife. This will not get rid of existing algae but it should prevent algae from developing. We sell these from our online shop if you wish to take a look.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I've used a straw block in our pond, they do work, but need to be changed regularly.

    Best wishes


  • I have a tray of water cress in mine works a treat

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • If the water feature is in direct sunlight then it will be prone to algae, If appropriate plant something by it to give it some shade and also keep the water moving...If big enough plant a miniature water lilly in it which will look nice and shade the water somewhat. Like the idea of water cress as mentioned above by JudiM, great idea and taste nice too!!