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Blackbirds and tadpoles

My new ponds (from last July) had a bumper amount of frogspawn this year and it has all hatched well.   The other day i noticed a male and female blackbird merrily skipping round the ponds edge helping themselves to any tadpoles within reach.  Its the first time ive seen this behaviour possibly because previous ponds i've had didn't have such shallow spots but i wonder if anyone else has come across this?

  • Hi Richard

    I have had blackbirds in my small wildlife pond (it has a shallow end) and thought they were just bathing but have just checked and there does not seem to be so many tadpoles.So maybe they do eat tadpoles?


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Yes, I have a pond and blackbirds will definitely eat tadpoles. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that EVERYTHING eats tadpoles. I am amazed that any survive to become frogs,,,,but they do. I suppose that is why frogs produce so much frog spawn which results in only one or two fully grown frogs.


    Kind regards Jane.

  • I posted on this a while ago when I noticed the same thing. It is surprising how any tadpoles survive. The cold weather has chased the tadpoles back to the bottom of the pond for much of the day, so the fishing has been poor for the blackbirds!

  • Yes, this spring our pond has thousands of tadpoles and a male blackbird has been feasting on them. The water level has been quite low so it may be easy to scoop them up.

  • Unknown said:

    My new ponds (from last July) had a bumper amount of frogspawn this year and it has all hatched well.   The other day i noticed a male and female blackbird merrily skipping round the ponds edge helping themselves to any tadpoles within reach.  Its the first time ive seen this behaviour possibly because previous ponds i've had didn't have such shallow spots but i wonder if anyone else has come across this?

    Yes, we had a very amusing incident when three Mallard landed next door and proceeded to eat all of the tadpoles our of his pond!