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Creating a small bog garden.


Can anyone help.

We have an average sized garden, but my husband has turned it over to fruit trees and vegetable, all organic, because in his words 'you can't eat grass'.  I am very grateful for all the wonderful produce we get and are able to share, but there is very little space to create a bog garden.

Is it possible to make one that is approx two feet square that would be able to provide everything required by the wildlife currently enjoying our garden?

If this is not possible does anyone have an alternative idea?

Thank You.

  • Hi Peewit,

    Look under the post written by Frogprince under new pond and bog garden you might find tips there.


  • Hi Little Owl,

    This is my first day on this site so finding my way around.

    Thank for your help.


  • Hi Peewit,

    A very warm welcome to the forums,you will pick up lots of advice and tips along the way, just ask there Is always someone willing to help If they can.If you go back to water features where you wrote your post you will see the post I mentioned,good luck with It. :-)


  • Hello Peewit...


    Firstly yes its possable to make a bog garden as long as a few things are done right, i breed koi and have three large pools in my garden one for koi, one for koi & goldfish mix ther other is for anything inclueing wildlife..

    Firstly when setting out any pool please be sure what you are trying to get, if its a pool /bog garden in your case i did make if as a wildlife pool/bog this is now...

    Firstly dig out the shape of the pool leaving a shelf all around of at least 6inches  this is for marginal plants in baskets /pots etc then on one end i did shallow the shelf up untill its level with the water lever ( slopping off in to pool) ya could do this all around if ya wanted but most bog gardens pools just have one end.. here ya bury ya liner if thats what ya used with soil and allow the water to wash over it this will make ya bog... plant with marsh maragolds and other bog plants and by end of summer ya should have a fully made bog garden that also going to attact wildlife to ya garden......

    Please feel free to contact me if ya require any more help regard this...

    dont just look enjoy and leave for others to share after you. we dont own the earth we just rent a small part of it....

  • Hi Littleowl,

    Thankyou for your help I found the post ok especially the photo's, I can get a better idea of what I need to do.

    Hopefully when it is complete I will post some pics.


  • Hi Kestrel,

    Thank you for the advice, It does not sound to difficult.

    I have found just the spot in a spare piece of the garden that has been fenced off because it is un-suitable for growing, but I think it will be perfect for the bog garden.

    Wish me luck.


  • Peewit said:

    Hi Kestrel,

    Thank you for the advice, It does not sound to difficult.

    I have found just the spot in a spare piece of the garden that has been fenced off because it is un-suitable for growing, but I think it will be perfect for the bog garden.

    Wish me luck.


    We have made a bog garden in our garden and included many bog plants. From the replies above there seems to be confusion between a bog garden and a pool. Our bog garden was started by digging out the area and lining with polyethylene (don't make holes in it but give the liner a 'natural fall' to one side so that it is not completely waterlogged. Fill with semi rotted compost with a layer of good garden compost on top. Water well and then plant up with bog plants. How about including some carniverous plants to enjoy the flies and midges?

    Good luck
