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new pond

The decision to redo the pond was sort of taken for us when frogs decided to use the puddles on the old liner(put over the hole to keep them out) to spawn!

We know this was not the ideal start to our new pond, but we had to give the tadpoles a chance to hatch and survive! They wouldn't stand an earthly on top of the liner.

Hubby was there trying to collect as much spawn as possible, in a bucket that was soon full to the top. He had to watch his feet as the frogs where still trying to mate around him. There was no option other than tap water to fill up and the cheeky blighters were in before the pond was even half full. One frog seemed to have grey fungus on his flanks.  Is this normal and could it affect the rest of my tribe?

The heron has already visited us. Hope his beak keeps away from the new liner!