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My pond :)

Hi folks, I've just stumbled across this brilliant site and thought I would introduce myself and my water feature. A month ago I dug a small preformed pond into the ground. ( it took ages due to the clay soil) Anyway it's starting to colonise now. The woodpile to the right of the pic is full of beasties and fascinating spiders whom i have seen walking on the water. The plants have taken a good hold in the pond. It gets full sun so I've been careful to put in the correct sort of plants including a dwarf lily. There are all sorts of beasties swimming around and yesterday my first frog resident popped up from the depths to greet me. It just goes to show, that even a small pond can attract a lot of life. Mine is only 86 cm by 80cm (30cm deep) I do have one question about the lily. I potted it last month and It doesn't seem to be growing v fast. I am assuming its because of the late spring? The leaves are red and there are new shoots appearing so I know it's not dead. I guess patience is the key eh? 

  • Yes I think it is a matter of time, everything has been struggling due to the awful cold weather, so dont give up on it  I am sure it will improve. Great to see another pond and a Frog resident all ready, hope it continues to go well!! I have lots of Tadpoles at the moment and it is so interesting

    watching them grow and watching all the other insects in the water too.

    Let us know how it goes!!

  • Evening Jodi and a warm welcome from me too;    your pond looks a real haven for wildlife and birds and is a really nice feature too so well done on all your hard work.      I have also found some of the pond plants are very slow growing this year with the late season as you suggest, I think it is just a matter of giving them an extra month to catch up,  good luck and happy bird/bug watching  !!!    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Lovely looking pond! Mine's quite a new one too so I understand the excitement watching everything appear. I can't resist going down to mine every day to count water lily leaves! Keep us updated with more pics and stories please! :)

    A closed mouth gathers no foot.

  • Thanks everyone, I'm hooked now! I think I spend more time pond watching than watching the TV! I've only been in this house 8 weeks so its still quite early days for the pond. I'm looking forward to seeing the first blooms on the lily now. I check it daily lol