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Nest box installations

Hi all,

I  moved into my new house about 4 months and noticed that there are the remains of a house martins nest, I was hoping that they would return and rebuild the nest, but sadly they haven't.

I would like to put up house martin nest cups for next year along with swift boxes (or gaps made for swifts), and other suitable places for boxes, however I am not particulary good at diy, nor would I trust myself up a ladder or have an idea where or how to put a hole in the facias that won't let water in etc.. So was wondering if there are companies out there that carry out this kind of service or is it something that the RSPB carry out?? if not then think this would be a fantastic idea to have people employed or on a voluntary basis to install nextboxes and offer advice on where best and other ideas to make a house benefit for birds/wildlife.

Thanks :)