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Our first nesting birds

After the passing of our very last cat a few months ago a couple of Robins decided to move in to a nesting box we had attached to our fence. Positioned right in front of our conservatory it gave us a 'birds eye view' of the whole process. I looked on the RSPB website for Robin breeding info and found it fascinating as we watched the building process through to the eventual laying of 4 eggs. Christened Tot and Ham our two new friends sat in all weather on the eggs. During that really dreadful wet week I was so worried about the amount of water soaking into the nesting box that I took a risk and when Ham had gone out for a break I placed  a piece of wood over the top to take away some of the excess water and prevent them from getting soaked and cold. Didnt think all four eggs would hatch but they have and we have watched the constant relentless trips back and forth feeding and 'nappy changing' . They dont mind us looking as long as we stay a reasonable distance away and we have finally managed to get some great pics. What a priveledge to be able to watch this.