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Blue tits, bird box and garden works

  • I have a bird box which has blue tits starting to nest. I’m worried they will be disturbed by paving work directly underneath it in my garden (starts in 5 weeks). Should we move the box now (I'm not sure that's alliwed) or do we leave it and hope the birds won’t abandon the box if they have chicks in it?
  • If the birds have started to take in nesting material, then no, you are not allowed to interfere. Once the first signs of nesting have started I am afraid you have to stay well clear. If the birds have nested before and are used to the comings and goings in the garden, then they will be used to some noise. If they are just starting to take in materials, by time eggs are laid, she will, be sitting on them. If depends on what is actuall going to happen a and how much noise and disturbance there is going to be, she may abandon the nest.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.