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i wonder is that good for birds if i put food water and winter box all together(very close)?
is that more convenient for them to use?
my little secret garden¬
Hi again Nan.
If by winter box you mean a roosting one,i would think it would be better away from the water.Water can attract other wild-life and maybe cats too, so better safe than sorry and you wouldn't want the roosting birds disturbed.Again just my opinion,hope that helps.:0)))
An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .
hi Sheena~ u r so sweet~ i m quite new to all of these, i really need somebody like u to help me:)
okay,no water,so can i hang the food on the box?
thanks again and again~
I would recommend water on the ground in a dish or in the form of a pond or even a purpose built bird bath. Roosting pockets are best tucked away in vegetation as are open fronted nesting boxes for robins. Nest boxes with smll holes are best located on walls or trees away from the feeding areas.
Providing food, water and shelter for garden birds is great as these three things are essential to agrden birds.
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
Again Nan best not to, as it will again attract other wild life.
Boxes are best kept away from the food and water in a sheltered place.Even just a few metres away is helpful.
I don't have a pond and my garden is small but i have 5 baths and lots of different birds use them.Nesting(over now) and roosting birds should not be disturbed and food too close, would upset them.:0)))
Oops sorry cross posted Ian.:0)))
thanks ur professional advice, IanH.
can i ask one more question? sorry i got too much things to learnn here....
my question is: will birds still use the bath during the winter?
thanks a lot Sheena!
several days before i saw a bird box design whichthe whole box is made from seeds, do u think it works or not? in that case, food is box itself.
Birds need to drink and bathe on a daily basis so yes they will use it through the winter. In frosty weather it is best to empty the bird bath in the evening and fill it up again in the morning to save battling with ice. During the day over winter a ping pong ball in the water should stop it from freezing.
About the bird house made of bird seed, i have seen these and bought one a few years ago, i think one blue tit had a quick sample but the rest went the way of woodmouse. If its any help, i put this one on the side of a shed well away from the nesting boxes but close to the other birdfeeders.