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Great Tits - a second brood

What a glutton for punishment great tits must be!!  'Our' mum laid seven eggs in early April but only four fledged.  The day after they left the nest she returned (we assume it was the same one) and as of today she is sitting on another eight eggs.  FIFTEEN eggs in total - is this normal?  We watch the action via a nestbox camera - a great investment but a bit of a time waster.

  • What an industrious bird you have there! Great tits do sometimes have a second brood, especially where the availability of the right kind of insect food remains good. This year, the caterpillar crop was delayed by the cold spring, and I would not be surprised if this encourages more great tits to attempt a second brood than in a more 'normal' year.

    Keep us posted on how she gets on. And yes, we want to hear of a second successful fledging!

  • You can see the first brood a few days before they fledged at!/video/video.php?v=1486622685647

    I'll put images of the second lot up when they arrive!