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Great tits

I have been watching a pair of great its raising a brood in a box close to the house ( my first time).  I got up this morning and the box was empty (expected about this time) but the nesting stuff was on the floor and hanging out the hole to the nest  Can anyone tell me if this is normal

  • That doesn't sound normal to me.  Our great tits always leave the nest intact.  I fear for your babies.

  • Unknown said:

    That doesn't sound normal to me.  Our great tits always leave the nest intact.  I fear for your babies.

    Well I am mystified but what could take them from the nest?     The nesting stuff is being used by other tits ( I have seen them taking it)  so could the fledgings gone naturally and the nest be plundered after

  • Someone told me that woodpeckers do that sort of thing!!

  • It does sound as though your nest has been raided, such a shame.

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Hi phyllmaybe, welcome to the forums.

    Sorry to hear that your Great Tit nest has been predated.

    Without knowing the location were you reside, eg rural or urban or the kind of nest box used it is harder to predict what was responsible.

    The condition of your nest box is another factor in trying to determine the predator. Has the hole been knawed in the past, is the hole larger than 32mm.

    There are numerous predators that target nest boxes, annually I check somewhere in the region of 300 nest boxes and witness all kinds of predation.

    Woodpeckers sometimes take nestlings via the entrance hole, but more often than not they hammer a hole through the side plate.

    Weasel and Stoat are two of the main culprits that drag nestlings out via the entrance hole.

    Grey Squirrels will take nestlings by reaching in through the entrance hole and are the main culprit for knawing at the hole.

    I have several Squirrels who are very adapt at removing nest box lids and also the nails that are tacked in to hold the lid down. I have now resorted to fastening them down with wire.

    Going off the info you have provided and the number of times I have witnessed identical predation. I would say Weasel or Stoat, the Brown Rat could be another contender depending on the type of box.

    Hope this helps.

    Regards Buzzard

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