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I have had 4 nest boxes up in my garden for the past 18 months or so, and there has been absolutely no interest in them at all.

Then today, I spotted a blue tit hanging around by the nest box that's in the laurel.  It stuck its head in the hole a few times, seemed to be pecking around the hole a bit and then went in and out a couple of times.

Does that mean the blue tit is definitely moving in, or even thinking about it?  Or should I not be so ridiculously over-excited as I am?!!


  • There have been blue tits in and out of my next box all winter, but nothing has begun to do any building yet.  It is about the right time for them to start so you could be in luck.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Hi Badgerbread, It could be promising, I read somewhere that pecking around the hole is there way of personalising the box, and to warn other birds that it is theirs, before they move in. Don't take this as gospel though, I'm new to this myself.

    There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

  • Badgerbread said:

    I have had 4 nest boxes up in my garden for the past 18 months or so, and there has been absolutely no interest in them at all.

    Then today, I spotted a blue tit hanging around by the nest box that's in the laurel.  It stuck its head in the hole a few times, seemed to be pecking around the hole a bit and then went in and out a couple of times.

    Does that mean the blue tit is definitely moving in, or even thinking about it?  Or should I not be so ridiculously over-excited as I am?!!


    Have a look at the Overview page on our bluetit website:

    You'll see that it's early days right  now - especially as it's been much colder than usual this month.