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Our Orchids

Are there any orchid fans out there. We are really lucky to have quite a few varieties growing in the garden, which have to be mown around, but are worth the effort. Here are the ones so far this year, I apologise for any wrong identities 

This is the Small Spider Orchid, I only found 3 of these, photo taken at the end of march

This is Ophrys passionis (not sure of an English name) & we had about 100 from the end of March,

This came out more recently, photo 19th April, & it's a Man Orchid, as it looks like lots of little men hanging,

Weve over 200 of these Pyramid Orchids just starting to flower,

We've only 2 of these Bee Orchids at the moment,

& a few general views the Orchids with the large clumps of Lizard Orchids to come

Anybody else with Orchids?

Best wishes

Hazel in Southwest France