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Tree Surgery - photos

Tree Surgeons arrived today to take down one huge oak branch which had split down the middle during the recent bad storms, so for those interested in garden maintenance  lol   here are the pics ;)

The branch in question which we would normally need Council permission to cut down, however as this was dangling precariously over the summerhouse, we were able to get this branch and surrounding felled without formal consent.   

probably close to 100ft high and the branch somewhere around 35ft

and now the next photos are for the ladies    lol    feast your eyes !

The wonderfully skilled tree surgeons ....

Nice :)    lol

It was twice as high as this bit of the tree !!

sorry, sky turned pretty grey and the pic is not the best - the guy working is so high up in the tree, way above the branch to be cut as he has to tie it in several places so as to swing it away from the summerhouse ..................which they did, missing it by      Arrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh     inches   lol


Regards, Hazel 

  • I see I've been missing all the fun, never mind better late than never and after dinner viewing is so relaxing, I'll be looking forward to more storms at this rate lol.

    Lot to learn

  • LOL Gaynor !!!   you should have seen the branch as it broke free ....... missed the summerhouse by a whisker but these guys have everything so well organised tying several ropes and levering the huge branch so it breaks in the right direction ......although I nearly had a heart-attack watching from the window  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Scary stuff, but at least you have managed to get a few branches to make into feeders like Doggie makes before they reduced it all to sawdust.

    Lot to learn

  • Just found this thread & loved the photos, very informative!! I'll bet the lads are never short of work.

    How old do you think your oak trees are Hazy? They look very high.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Evening Hazel,  I would say these trees are well in excess of 100 years old;  we live in a conservation area so the area is protected by law and you usually have to get permission from the local council before you can even do minor trimming to any of the trees and would have to have very good reason for doing so.   With this particular branch, it was hanging very precariously (following the recent storms) and in a dangerous position so the Tree Surgeons did not need to get prior consent as it was considered a threat to person or property so they could therefore go ahead without formal consent and they carry out the work very quickly, for safety reasons.  

    The lads have enough work to keep them busy for some time to come !  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Gaynor,  I kept quite a lot of the off-cuts and will try put a pic on here later to show you my stock pile of Oak  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Here are the logs and off-cuts from the oak branch, it wasn't until it was lowered to the ground we realised how big a forked branch it was ! 

    Let me know if you need any Oak for feeders Alan !! lol

    The tree shaped off cut I plan to fix into the ground so I can use it as a natural pastry perch  lol  !!   The other shorter logs will go to making Doggie feeders and the large slices of Oak which were kept from the last work will be used in a Stumpery project.    Now all we need is the energy and weather to do the work lol

    Jason, if you see this and want some Oak to make Doggie feeders just let me know lol    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Hazy! There's a lot of oak there!! You should set up your own log burning business :) Also great stock for log houses :)

    Cheers, Jason

  • Speaking of the 'Naughty Step', where exactly were the Cyrils while all this was going on?

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • LOL! plenty of logs to make those excellent doggie feeders but if the rain keeps up we may consider your suggestion Bob !   @ MC  the Cyrils thought I had brought in a chainsaw just to make Cyril Stew so they scarpered into neighbouring trees and gardens  lol   Needless to say they are back in force this morning - hanging all over the feeders, squirrel proofed or not  lol


    Regards, Hazel